Healthy Green Smoothie | Refreshing Morning Boost

Healthy Green Smoothie | Refreshing Morning Boost

Start your day with a burst of energy and nutrients with this Healthy Green Smoothie. This refreshing morning boost is packed with wholesome ingredients that will kickstart your day on a healthy note. The vibrant green color and the invigorating taste will make it a favorite in your morning routine.


  • 2 cups spinach leaves
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cucumber, chopped
  • 1 green apple, cored and chopped
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  1. Start by adding spinach leaves, banana, cucumber, green apple, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and honey (if using) to a blender.
  2. Pour in the coconut water to help with blending.
  3. Blend the ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  4. If desired, add ice cubes and blend again until you achieve your preferred consistency.
  5. Pour the green smoothie into glasses and serve immediately.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Yield: 2 servings

This Healthy Green Smoothie is a delightful way to kickstart your morning with a burst of freshness and nutrition. Packed with leafy greens, fruits, and yogurt, it’s not only healthy but also delicious.

Nutritional information per serving: Calories: 180, Carbohydrates: 38g, Protein: 6g, Fat: 2g

Conclude your day’s breakfast journey with this revitalizing Healthy Green Smoothie. It’s the perfect balance of flavors and nutrition, setting the right tone for a day filled with energy and vitality. Make it a daily ritual, and your body will thank you for the goodness you’ve infused into your morning routine.

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