Easy Cinnamon Roll Swirls

Easy Cinnamon Roll Swirls

Picture this: a cozy Sunday morning, the sun casting a golden glow through your kitchen window, and the aroma of freshly baked Easy Cinnamon Roll Swirls wafting through the air. These delightful treats are not just a breakfast indulgence; they are a warm hug for your taste buds, a sweet start to a perfect day.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup milk, lukewarm


  1. Start by combining the flour, melted butter, and lukewarm milk in a mixing bowl.

Prep Time: | Cook Time:


These Easy Cinnamon Roll Swirls are a testament to simplicity and flavor. The soft, gooey texture combined with the perfect blend of cinnamon and sugar will transport you to a culinary wonderland.

Make these Easy Cinnamon Roll Swirls your weekend tradition, and let the joy of baking fill your home. Whether you’re enjoying them with a cup of coffee or sharing them with loved ones, these swirls are sure to become a cherished part of your breakfast repertoire.

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