Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas

Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas

Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas

Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas is a delightful Italian dish that marries the rich, velvety texture of risotto with the freshness of peas and the savory goodness of Parmesan cheese. This recipe is a culinary masterpiece, perfect for those cozy family dinners or elegant dinner parties.

This dish is a celebration of simplicity and sophistication. The creamy risotto is cooked to perfection, each grain absorbing the flavorful broth until it reaches a heavenly consistency. The peas add a burst of color and a hint of sweetness, balancing the richness of the Parmesan. Every spoonful is a harmonious blend of textures and tastes, making it a favorite among both kids and adults.


  • 2 cups Arborio rice
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen peas
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish


  1. In a saucepan, warm the chicken or vegetable broth over low heat. Keep it simmering gently.
  2. In a large pan, heat olive oil and 1 tablespoon of butter over medium heat. Add chopped onions and garlic; sauté until they are soft and translucent.
  3. Add Arborio rice to the pan and cook, stirring continuously, until the rice is lightly toasted.
  4. Pour in the white wine and cook until it is absorbed by the rice.
  5. Begin adding the warm broth, one ladle at a time, stirring constantly. Allow the liquid to be absorbed before adding the next ladle. Continue this process until the rice is creamy and cooked al dente, which takes about 18-20 minutes.
  6. Stir in the peas and cook for another 2-3 minutes until they are tender.
  7. Remove the pan from heat and stir in grated Parmesan cheese and the remaining butter. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Garnish the risotto with fresh parsley before serving. Serve hot and enjoy!

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas is a classic Italian dish that combines the smoothness of risotto with the sweetness of peas and the richness of Parmesan cheese.

Nutritional Information: Calories: 350, Fat: 10g, Carbohydrates: 55g, Protein: 10g

Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas is not just a meal; it’s a culinary experience that transports you to the heart of Italy with every bite. The creamy texture of the risotto, the vibrant green peas, and the bold flavor of Parmesan cheese come together in a symphony of taste and aroma.

Imagine a chilly evening, cozying up with a plate of this exquisite risotto, a glass of your favorite wine in hand, and good company around you. The satisfaction of indulging in a dish that feels both comforting and luxurious is unparalleled.

Whether you are a seasoned cook or just starting your culinary journey, this recipe is a must-try. The step-by-step instructions ensure that you achieve the perfect risotto consistency, and the combination of ingredients guarantees a burst of flavors in every mouthful.

So, next time you want to impress your guests or simply treat yourself to something extraordinary, whip up a batch of Creamy Parmesan Risotto with Peas. It’s not just a recipe; it’s a masterpiece on a plate.

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